Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Louisiana Waterthrush

A Louisiana Waterthrush was a surprise today, hopping around a field in the Chispa Valley. A Streaked Saltator, also new, landed briefly in a tree, and another Mourning Warbler skulked elusively in low vegetation. My first flock of Red-fronted Parrotlets flew over, and a small flock of five Red-legged Honeycreepers passed through on the way back.

Louisiana Waterthrush - this species breeds in the eastern half of the USA unlike the Northern Waterthrush which breeds in Canada. Rather peculiarly, there is little to no attitudinal range overlap in their wintering grounds in Central America, with the Louisiana Waterthrush only occurring at high elevations.
Buff-rumped Warbler - the first time I have seen this species in the open, this bird was singing from a rock on the edge of the River Chispa. It sings with an accelerating series of down-turned notes.
Red-crowned Woodpecker (male) - in females, the red cap is restricted to the nape.
Batlimore Oriole (male)
Streaked Saltator
The view while walking back to Cloudbridge.

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