Saturday, 20 January 2018

Walk to Rivas

This morning I walked to Rivas, a town about 10 km down the valley from Cloudbridge. On the way, I found my first American Redstart; an uncommon winter resident in Costa Rica. Also seen; a Black-thighed Grosbeak (only my second so far), a few flocks of Red-fronted Parakeets, an Ochre-bellied Flycatcher and some Yellow Warblers.

I also saw a new hummingbird species; a male Brown Violetear that sang from the top of a tall tree, and a couple of White-shouldered Tanagers flew across the road on the walk down.

A Little Blue Heron was also on the river near Rivas with a couple of Torrent Tyranullets.

American Redstart (male) - considering I saw this 20 minutes after sunrise with an overcast sky, I did well to get photos.
Grey-headed Chachalaca

Black-thighed Grosbeak

Turkey Vulture
Ruddy Ground-dove
Melodious Blackbird
Yellow-billed Cacique
Brown Violetear
Little Blue Heron
Tropical Mockingbird
The river flowing through past Rivas

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